In this article:
The Grading feature allows you to visually display the correct answers when presenting. It also allows you to use the Gradebook report to grade individual performance across multiple questions.
Note: Grading is only available for Multiple choice activities and Clickable image activities.
Configure grading on the activity creation
To set multiple-choice responses as correct, click the checkmark next to them. The checkmark will become green and the system will now grade incoming responses as correct or incorrect. You can display the results while presenting or view results in the Gradebook report afterward.
Adding grading later
You can also edit an existing activity to enable grading.
Step 1: Next to a Multiple choice or Clickable image activity in the Activity list, click on the Actions menu (vertical ellipsis) and select the Edit button.
Helpful tip: You can also reach the Edit screen from within an individual activity by clicking Edit at the bottom of the page.
Step 2: On the Edit screen, click the checkmark to mark one or more answers as correct.
Step 3: Click the Save button in the bottom right to save your changes.
Grading is now enabled.
Display the correct response during a live presentation
You can display the correct responses during your presentation by clicking the “Show correct” button on the right side of your display. Once you show the results, a checkmark will appear next to the correct responses.
Note: If the presenter needs to hide correct responses in the participants' response history, then learn more about Hide correct responses.