In this article:
The Poll Everywhere for Windows app lets you add an Instruction Slide directly into your PowerPoint deck. This slide provides clear, graphical instructions to help your audience join your presentation effortlessly. It’s a convenient way to ensure participants are set up and ready to engage quickly.
Step 1: Open a new or existing PowerPoint presentation.
Step 2: Navigate to the Poll Everywhere tab in the toolbar and then select Instructions
Helpful tip: The Poll Everywhere app displays a preview of the instruction slide. The specific instructions depend on your activity response settings. If both web and SMS responses are enabled, both will appear. However, If only one method of response is enabled, only that set of instructions will be shown.
Step 3: Click the Insert Slides button in the top right corner.
When you insert an Instruction slide into your PowerPoint presentation deck using Poll Everywhere for Windows, the following happens:
- The placeholder is not a screenshot of the activity slide but rather a visual marker with corner indicators.
- These corner markers show where the web page for the activity will display when you present.
- Once you enter presentation mode, the placeholder is replaced with the actual instructions content, seamlessly populating the screen.
Important Note: As with activities, the notes section of an inserted instructions slide contains the title and a link to the website. These need to stay intact for the slide to function correctly. Do not delete it. You may add information to the notes below the link if needed.