In this article:
Your instructor may have created you a participant ( account by uploading and registering your email to your school’s Poll Everywhere account. If you do not already have a participant account, you will receive an email that will instruct you to reset your password. Follow those instructions to access your account.
Instructor registration link - Your instructor may send a registration link by email, include it in the syllabus, or post it on a LMS/class page. It usually looks something like:
Find instructor by username - If you know your instructor’s username, then you can register ahead of time at
Quick registration in class - If your professor requires registration, when you go to respond to their activity at, you can simply follow the registration prompt and create a Poll Everywhere student account right there. It should only take a minute. Just be sure to use your school email, not your personal email.
Frequently asked questions:
How do I enter my student ID, username, or an alternate identifier?
The instructor can always see your email address, but sometimes they’ll also want students to provide a username, login, or other student ID for grading or to be inputted into the learning management system.
If you need to add this, sign in to Poll Everywhere and go to the registrations page. Click the “Details” link under the appropriate university, department, or instructor, and enter an alternate identifier.
What information can my instructor see about me?
Unless your instructor is running an anonymous activity, your name and email will always be available to them next to your answers. If you provide an alternate identifier, they can also see that.
Your full phone number is never shared with them, but in some reports they can see the last four digits of your phone number. The main purpose of this is to help verify that your certified phone number is correct. This helps you troubleshoot any problems with getting credit for your answers.
I have several instructors with Poll Everywhere accounts where I have to pay, as the student. Do I need to pay separately for each of them?
No. You will only have to pay the annual cost once to be able to register on any number of accounts.