In this article:
With the Poll Everywhere mobile presenter app you have access to all your activities. If you are presenting from the web, you can even open and close activities for the response, toggle the live chart, archive responses, and more.
Step 1. Open the mobile presenter app. The activity folders and activities will appear under My activities page. Tap on the activity or activity folder.
Step 2. Tap on an activity if accessing within a folder. It will redirect to the Activity page to make any edits before presenting. The presenter can also delete the activity, access visual settings, configure the activity’s settings, and present the activity.
Step 3. After making any changes to the activity, tap the Present button to activate the activity.
When presenting an activity participants can now respond to the activity on the presenter’s response page ( Results will display in real-time.
While in the present mode, the presenter controls will be available at the bottom to lock the activity, hide the results view, and clear the responses.