In this article:
Clickable image activity allows participants to drop pins on an image to respond. Presenters can upload an image or select one of the provided example images. Here is some information for creating and customizing a clickable image activity.
Note: The Create an activity article provides step-by-step instructions for creating activities, including clickable image activities.
Choosing your image: Clickable image activities are versatile because presenters can upload any image they want. Need a 2x2 matrix? Upload a graph. Teaching a geography class? Use a map! Any image that holds information your participants need to identify or share with you works with a Clickable image activity. Note: To double-check the image size requirements, check out our article on Image size requirements.
Marking correct regions: For a Clickable image activity, the presenter must define a region for pin responses and mark a region as the correct option. Please note, the presenter can only do this for responses received after the region is defined. Any clicks received before the region is defined will not be captured by the region.
Show responses: Selecting the “Responses” option will show the participants' response pins on the Clickable image activity which allows the presenter and participants to see how others responded.
Show regions: Selecting “Regions” shows the boxes you identified when creating the Clickable image and how many participants dropped a pin in that region.
Show all: Selecting "Show all" will display participants' pins, the response regions you defined, and the number of pins per region.
Receiving responses: Clickable image activities can receive responses via the web or a mobile app. Clickable image activities do not accept responses via SMS text message.