In this article:
Ranking activities allow participants to move options into a desired rank, then submit the ranked list as one response. The responses are then shown as an overall rank on a bar or column graph.
Helpful tip: Ranking activities can only be responded to through the web or the Poll Everywhere mobile app, and will only allow one response per participant. If you like, you could configure the activity to allow participants to Change answers.
On the participants screen, the order of the response options will be randomized to avoid skewing the final results by suggesting a default ranking.
To rank the options, participants can click on a specific option and select the up or down arrows to rearrange and rank each option.
After the participants have defined the ranking lineup, they can submit their responses.
Helpful tip: Once a Ranking activity collects responses, it cannot be edited to include additional options or remove options without deleting the existing or cleared responses. Learn more about Accessing cleared responses.
Responses are displayed on the live chart with options ranked in aggregate (i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.).
Note: Ranking activities use a point system to calculate the final rank. It assigns points based on the number of options and the top response gets the most, the next response gets a little less, and so on. It totals the number of points that each response gets and that is how it determines the final rank. The final results should rank them based on their aggregate points ranking.