In this article:
The Report options drawer in the customization tool lets you decide which data you want displayed in your report. Each report type has certain available options which we will describe below.
Helpful tip: Response options are not available on Gradebook and Pivot table reports.
Show engagement
The Show engagement option displays the percentage of participants which responded to the activity. It is available on the Executive summary, Participant response history, and Responses by participant reports.
Show response totals
Show response totals shows the total number of responses to each activity. On multiple choice activities it also shows the number of times each response option was selected. The response totals option is only available on the Executive summary report.
Show correctness
The Show correctness option displays which response options on a multiple choice activity the presenter indicated to be correct. It is available on Executive summary, Participant response history, and Responses by participant reports.
Show average responses
Show average responses reveals the average of responses received compared to the number of participants. It is available on the Participant response history, Executive summary, and Responses by participant reports.
Show aggregate results
The Show aggregate results option combines results for multiple choice activities which share the same title/question. If you were to use the same question in three different classes of the same subject, you could use the Show aggregate results feature to see results across all three classes. This option is only available on Executive summary reports.