In this article:
Deleting an activity removes it from the folder and moves it to the Trash. If you change your mind or accidentally move an activity, it’s easy to restore it. The responses are also restored along with the activity.
Delete an Activity
Step 1: Start on the My activities page
Step 2: Open the folder where the Activity is stored
Step 3: Click the Actions button and select Delete from the drop-down menu
The activity is immediately removed from the My Activities page and moved to Trash. You can still access the activities via the Trash button on the menu on the left side of the My activities page. Admins and team members can still access deleted activities until they are permanently deleted.
Note: Activities will only remain in the Trash for 30 days after removal before being permanently deleted forever. If you wish to recover your activity, please do so before the 30-day mark.
Restoring a Deleted Activity
Just like your computer’s trash bin, the Trash page gives you the option of restoring activities or deleting them forever. Check the box of the activity you want to restore or delete, then select the appropriate button at the top.
When you Restore an activity, it reappears in your My activities list.
Selecting Delete forever permanently deletes the activity from our database. A reminder that the Trash page permanently deletes Activities after 30 days, so you do not need to maintain the Trash page. Once an activity is permanently deleted, the activity and its responses will be gone forever and cannot be restored, not even by admins.
Other things to note
Deleting a Folder will move all of its activities to the Trash, but the Folder structure will not be retained.
When deleting an entire Competition, it moves to the Trash page like any other Activity. Individual questions within a Competition do not go to the Trash page. They are permanently deleted if a question doesn’t have any responses, then it will simply be permanently deleted. If a question has responses, you will see a warning box asking you to confirm that you want to permanently delete the question and all responses.
Individual questions deleted from a Survey go to the Trash page regardless of whether they have any responses. If you restore the questions, they will appear in the default list just like any other activity.