In this article:
Poll Everywhere's Attendance Management provides a privacy-preserving method of ensuring that participants are in the presenters’ preferred in-person location when they respond to activities using Poll Everywhere. Presenters set geographic locations where they present content and would like to track in-person attendance, such as classrooms or entire buildings. Participants check-in, and if a participant is present in a check-in location, they are marked as checked-in for the following 3-hour period of time. If they are not in the check-in location, their latitude and longitude are displayed to them only, and they can correct this issue or continue to the activity without checking in.
Participant privacy
Poll Everywhere is designed to strongly protect participant privacy. Our Attendance Management feature uses built-in browser APIs to ask the browser for the current user's location. After permission has been obtained, the browser API returns the user's location to the Poll Everywhere service. Poll Everywhere compares the participant’s location to the locations pre-defined by the presenter. If a match occurs, the participant is "checked in" to that location. If a match does not occur, the participant is not "checked-in" to any location for that presenter. In both cases, the actual location data is immediately discarded in our system after the check occurs.
On a technical level, the location data is simply compared and then discarded immediately. Even if a check-in occurs, the only location record that is created is the record that tells the presenter that a participant was inside a valid check-in location for a period of time. The exact position is never stored or disclosed. In addition, Poll Everywhere's service scrubs this sensitive information from log files and other locations where it could occur. Precise location data from the geolocation service is never stored in any database, is never sold or transferred to any third-party service provider, and is not used for any purpose other than checking in to a given location.
Participants should avoid checking in when they aren't physically in the location that their presenter expects them to be in. For example, participants should not check in to the designated geofence locations when they're in other locations, as this could inadvertently reveal their location to a presenter if the presenter has defined a check-in zone outside of the expected presentation area.
Throughout Poll Everywhere, presenters may be shown the precise check-in areas they defined and which participants were in them when they checked in. Presenters can define up to 10 locations for participants to check in to, with a minimum radius of 100 feet.
Presenter privacy
Poll Everywhere uses the browser geolocation service to display a map of potential locations for a presenter to select. After the desired check-in location has been created, it is saved to the database. Presenters can remove their locations at any time. Defined check-in locations are stored in automated backups for up to 30 days after they're removed. After this time, they're permanently removed from the system.
Presenters should take care to never create locations that uniquely identify their location. While participants are never shown the location of check-in areas, presenters should ensure that they do not create check-in locations that could identify their private residences or other sensitive locations. For example, if a participant lived within a 100-foot radius of a presenter’s residence, this information may be disclosed accidentally if the presenter creates a check-in location near their place of living and a participant checks in.
Privacy Policy
To visit our privacy policy, refer here: