In this article:
A presenter can use TeX or LaTeX to add formulas or equations in an activity, both in the title and the response options.
Creating an activity
When entering the question or response options on the activity, the presenter can insert an equation type, "$$ the equation $$", followed by the rest of the question.
Example: If $$f(x)=x^3+4x$$, what's the area under the curve for the internal [1,3]?
We will translate it to mathspeak immediately with a preview as shown below.
Editing existing activity
If the presenter decides to add equations to the activity after it’s been created, they can edit the activity by doing the following:
- Click the title of the activity to open it.
- Select Edit on the bottom right of the screen.
- Type in the equation with $$ to indicate when it should use LaTeX as described above.
Remember to start the question or answer option with “$$:” so we know to convert it properly.
Displaying the activity
The LaTeX will be displayed on the activity slide and the response page for the audience to respond through the web from their device.
From the activity slide as a Presenter:
From the participant’s device when they access the presenter’s response page:
Need some help getting LaTeX syntax down? Feel free to review and try some of these free resources:
- Builder and plug in:
- Wiki for Chemistry:
- Wiki for Math:
- Comprehensive list of LaTeX symbols: