In this article:
You can use HTML formatting to format the title of an activity. Here's how:
- Italics: To italicize a line use <em> before whatever you want to italicize followed by </em> (adding a / before the "em" to stop the italics).
- Line Break: To add a new line break, enter <br> at the end of the first line. Any text after the <br> will appear on a new line.
These notes will show when you create a new activity. Here's an example:
Here’s how it looks on the response page that your participants will see:
A few things to note:
- This only works for the activity title. Answer choices will not be affected if it's a multiple-choice poll.
- Italics will work for all of the fonts.
- New lines will work for any font and any activity type.
- When editing an activity title after creation, formatting will not be saved. Ensure the title is formatted correctly before creating the activity.