In this article:
You may want to include a leaderboard option within your activity based on your audience's submitted response. If you only wish to show a certain number of answer options on the poll slide, such as the top three or top five choices, you will want to utilize our Leaderboard feature.
Note: This option is available as a premium feature for certain paid plans. Learn more on our plans page.
Step 1: Log into your account at
Step 2: On your My Activities page, click on the title of your activity or question
Step 3: Click the Visual Settings button in the upper left corner
Step 4: Click the Bars option
Step 5: Select the checkbox next to Leaderboard enabled
Step 6: Enter the appropriate number of options to display under the Show Top field
Step 7: Click the Save button
Note: If you selected the leaderboard template activity when creating an activity, it will default show the top 5 and can only be adjusted if your account has the premium feature.