In this article:
In Poll Everywhere, you can use folders to keep activities organized.
If you only have a handful of activities, you may not see the need to create folders. However, if you’re one of those users who have hundreds of activities, then you’ll find it invaluable to organize your activities into folders.
Here are a few examples of how users organize activities into folders:
Ways to Organize Activities:
- By activity type (Examples: Multiple Choice, Q&A, Open-Ended)
- By topic (Examples: Sociology, Digital Marketing, English 101)
- By date used or created (Examples: Nov 2019, April 2018, June 2017)
This article shows you how to navigate, create, and rename folders.
Navigate Folders
Get started on the Activities tab.
You will see a list of your folders and activities, as well as some helpful actions like Edit, Duplicate, and Delete in the dropdown menu near their titles. Sort the items in the list by clicking on column titles.
To open a folder, all you need to do is click on it. Poll Everywhere opens the folder and displays a list of all of the activities and folders it contains.
Continue drilling down into folders to find your activities, or select Activities from the upper left corner to return to the Activities tab.
Besides the folders that you create, this screen has two important tabs:
Shared activities: If activities were shared with you, you will find them here.
Trash: Deleted activities remain in the Trash for 30 days unless you permanently remove them or restore them.
Create a Folder
Step 1:Start on the Activities tab or in a Folder.
Step 2: On the upper right, select New Folder.
The folder is immediately displayed on the screen as “Untitled folder.”
Step 3: Click on the Actions dropdown menu near the folder’s title and click Rename.
This is also where you can choose to delete the folder, by selecting Delete.
Note: Deleting a folder removes the folder and all of its activities, so be careful with this button. However, if you accidentally delete a folder, you can restore the activities from the Trash.
Rename a Folder
Step 1: Start on the Activities tab.
Step 2: Click on the Actions menu near the folder’s title.
Step 3: Click Rename.
Step 4: The app opens in edit mode. Type the folder name in the text box.
Step 5: Click the Rename folder button.