In this article:
If the Poll Everywhere app for Windows PowerPoint does not work as expected, the cause may be related to PowerPoint attempting to optimize for compatibility. This setting is typically used to normalize presentations that were made on a version of PowerPoint prior to Office 2016: Poll Everywhere PowerPoint add-in will not work in this mode.
You will need to disable compatibility mode in order to present your activities. Here’s how:
Step 1: Click File > Options
Step 2: Click General (In the left panel)
Step 3: Under When using multiple displays > Select Optimize for best appearance (application restart required)
Step 5. Click OK
Step 6. Close and Reopen Powerpoint. The activities in your presentation should present properly.
Workaround for Users on Office 2016 Professional Plus
PowerPoint 2016 Professional Plus users cannot access the compatibility mode setting mentioned above. Without this setting, PE Add-in version 4.1.0 may not function correctly.
Use reader mode to present instead of slideshow mode as a workaround.
If you continue to have trouble please gather your logs and contact support.