In this article:
Present the Multiple choice activities untethered. With the Activity flow feature, you don't have to interact with the tools on the activity slide during your presentation to reveal the response chart or correct answer.
When inserting activities using the Poll Everywhere app for Windows, macOS, or Google Slides, choose the flow you want to use, then advance through your slides as you would with your other content.
Helpful tip: Activity flow is only available for Multiple choice and Survey activities. Learn more about how to Create activities.
Activity flow types
When inserting activities into your presentation, you’ll have the option of using the default mode or the Activity flow. There are two types of activity flow: Instructor and Engagement.
Default flow: This is the activity slide you’re already familiar with. The system will insert one slide into your presentation which you’ll be able to interact with via the slide tools as per usual.
Instructor flow: If you’ve designated at least one correct answer for the activity, then you’ll be able to choose the Instructor flow. The system will insert three slides: Instructions slide, Results slide (responses are locked when you navigate to this slide), and Correctness slide (revealing the correct option(s) to the audience).
Engagement flow: If no correct option has been set, you’ll have the option to select the Engagement flow. The system will insert three slides: Instructions slide, Results slide, and Locked slide.
Note: When inserting, you will need to select an individual activity in order to be presented with the Activity flow options. If you bulk insert, the Default flow will be inserted.
When inserting Surveys into your presentation, you can choose to use the Engagement flow. This will include the Progress slide, showing how many Surveys are completed or underway, as well as individual Results slides for each question in your Survey.
Inserting activity flows
Step 1: Open the presentation file.
Step 2: In Windows or Google Slides, click the Poll Everywhere tab in the taskbar. On a Mac, open the Poll Everywhere for macOS app and skip to Step 4.
Step 3: Click on the Insert option and then select Activity from the menu.
Step 4: Select the activity you want to insert by clicking the checkbox then click the Insert slides button.
Step 5: Select a single Multiple Choice activity you want to insert, then click the Insert slides button.
Activity flow placeholder slides, indicated by blue marks in the corners, appear in the deck.
Useful tips
Arranging the presentation
If you drag and drop activity flow slides to rearrange your questions, be sure to keep all the slides for each question together and in the same order or things might get really confusing.
Hover buttons
Even though it is not necessary to interact with the hover button slide tools to reveal the response chart or correct answer, these buttons are still available and will appear if you hover your mouse over the right side of your slide.
The Activity flow feature does not yet play well with the Timer. Currently, the Timer appears on every flow slide and begins to count down as soon as the first slide is shown. When time runs out, the activity locks regardless of which slide you are on (overriding the ordinary sequence in the activity flow). When the activity is locked, the timer will not start again on the subsequent slides of the same activity.